Critical scattering angle of Compton electron producing Cherenkov radiation in the medium 产生切连科夫辐射的康普顿电子在介质中的临界散射角
Scattering angle is the angle between the scattered and incident directions. 散射角是散射方向与入射方向之间的夹角。
The channel capacity is maximized when the antenna spacing increases to a certain point, and further more, the larger the scattering angle, the quicker the channel capacity converges to its maximum. 散射角越大,信道容量的增长速率越快且采用均匀线阵比均匀圆阵系统的信道容量高。
Calculation of α-particle's scattering angle in the Thomson atomic model 原子汤姆孙模型中α粒子散射角的计算
According to the mean size measurement based on diffraction, we put forward a new method by calculating the ratio of two scattering light intensity at different scattering angle, which can solve the problem caused by the diffraction method. 文中根据衍射法求取平均粒度的方法,提出了用两个不同散射角的散射光强比求取平均粒度的方法,解决了衍射法测平均粒度的缺点。
It is shown that the rotational excitation cross sections are sensitive to the directionality of potential surface and scattering angle. 研究表明:转动激发截面对势能表面的方向性和散射角都非常敏感。
The results show that scattering intensity distribution of droplet is not simply second-order rainbow distribution while refractive index is around 1.33 with scattering angle between 117 ° and 134 °, but the interference distribution between second-order and fifth-order rainbow. 研究结果表明折射率为1.33附近液滴在117°~134°散射角范围内的散射强度分布不是单一的二阶彩虹强度分布,而是二阶和五阶彩虹的干涉强度分布。
The distributions considered here include these of general scattering angle, isotropic scattering angle in the laboratory system, isotropic scattering angle in the centre-of-mass system, and uniformly distributed scattering azimuthal angle. 在这里所考虑的分布包括有一般散射角分布,实验室系各向同性散射角分布,质心系各向同性散射角分布和均匀的散射方位角分布。
The measurements have been made of the stokes parameters of 3~ 3D-2~ 3P decay under specified incident electron energy, scattering angle and background pressure by using electron-photon coincidence technigue and polarization analysis. 本文用电子-光子符合实验技术,通过偏振分析,在一定入射电子能量和背景气体压力下,同时得到氦原子3~3D-2~3P衰变的四个Stokes参数。
A scattering angle less than 20 ° is chosen and another is between 40 ° and 60 ° according to analysis of theory. 根据分析,散射角应该在小于20°和40°~60°之间选取。
And when the scattering angle is in 100 °-142 °, the polarization degree changes ( rapidly), forming an obvious concave point, close to that of rainbow in the corresponding direction. 散射角100°~142°时,偏振度变化迅速,形成了尖锐的凹点,其偏振度与相应方向虹、霓的偏振度接近。
The numerical results for differential cross-sections from scattering angle of 10 ° to 170 ° are in good agreement with experiments. 算得的微分散射截面(散射角从10°到170°)与实验数据符合得很好。进一步说明了电子与原子碰撞的等效势模型在计算电子散射的角分布上也是很成功的。
The photoelectrical receiver output signal of scattering photoelectrical smoke detector was relevant to light source radiation power, wavelength, particle thickness, particle diameter, scattering angle, scattering volume and the light area of photosensitive unit. 散射光型光电感烟探测器的光电接收器输出信号,与光源辐射功率和波长、粒子浓度、粒径、散射角、散射体积和光敏元件的受光面积等有关。
Analyzed the simulation result. Studied the relationship between scattering angle and concentration measurement result to choose the best measuring angle. 并对模拟后得到的数据进行了分析、处理,研究了测量时散射角度对测量浓度结果的影响,以及测量角度的选取问题。
The fading correlation model is established and the impacts of the number of antennas and scattering angle on the channel system capacity are investigated. Based on the random theory, a closed-form expression for the channel capacity of an M by N MIMO system is derived. 建立了衰落相关模型,分析了散射角大小及天线数对信道容量的影响,采用随机理论推导了M×N的MIMO系统信道容量的闭式解。
A method for correcting the low scattering angle electron diffraction intensities by means of the high resolution electron microscope image to reduce the dynamical effects is proposed. 针对高分辨电子显微学和电子衍射相结合测定晶体结构的图像处理技术,提出了一种借助高分辨电子显微像来校正低散射角电子衍射强度动力学效应的新方法。
With the increase of scattering angle, the value of elastic angular distributions will decrease. 随散射角的增大,弹性碰撞角分布变小。
Considering the retina as the research object, light polarization fluctuates for different polar angles and optical paths, and the variance of scattered light polarization increases with the growing of scattering angle. 以视网膜为研究对象,在不同的极角和光程位置能检测到部分偏振光或线偏振光,散射光束的偏振性呈现波动性变化,散射光束的偏振特性变化随散射角的增大而增大。
Incident electron and the two outgoing electrons are in the same plane, with equal scattering angle separated on both sides of the direction of incident electron. 入射电子和两出射电子处于同一平面,两出射电子的散射角大小相等,分居入射电子方向的两侧。
We have also compared the scheme and acceleration properties of PAS with those of CAS. Still, another crucial subject of vacuum laser acceleration~ the correlation between the outgoing energy and scattering angle of accelerated electrons has been investigated. 我们还对PAS与CAS这两种真空激光加速机制进行了比较。此外,我们还研究了真空激光加速的另一个重要问题:被加速电子的出射能量和散射角度的关联。
The influence of sampling frequency and sampling interval of scattering angle on the fitted results is also discussed. 4. 同时讨论了抽样次数、散射角抽样间隔大小对拟合结果的影响。
Take soot aerosol as an example, the method of establishing scattering phase function database for scattering angle and azimuth angle sampling is studied. 以煤烟气溶胶为例,研究了散射相函数的散射角、方位角抽样建库方法。
It offers a new and relatively simple method to measure and control the phase velocity distribution. Then, we proceed to investigate another crucial subject of vacuum laser acceleration& the correlation between the outgoing energy and scattering angle of accelerated electrons. 根据公式,我们提出了一个新的、更方便的测量和构造相速度分布的方法。其次,我们研究了真空激光加速的另一个关键问题:被加速电子的能量角度关联。
In this thesis, emphasis has been paid on three key subjects for vacuum laser acceleration, i.e. phase velocity of the laser beam, the correlation between the outgoing energy and the scattering angle of the accelerated electrons, and using static magnetic field in the acceleration. 本论文重点研究了真空激光加速的几个关键课题:激光场的相速度、被加速电子的能量-角度关联、在真空激光加速中使用静磁场,并进一步将这些结论应用到俘获加速机制中。
In this system, two digital cameras are used to capture images from different shooting angle, according to Mie scattering theory, at different scattering angle, laser scattering intensity is different, so two pictures with different particle gray scale can be captured by the two cameras. 该方法利用两台数字相机从不同的拍摄角度对粒子进行拍摄,根据不同的散射角度条件下激光散射强度的不同,获得具有灰度差异的粒子图像,以此进行粒子粒径的测量。
In this paper oil crust was simulated by paraffin and 60Co-γ ray is irradiated vertically, we have accepted scattering photons at the definite scattering angle and found there is good linear relation between scattering photon numbers and paraffin thickness, there is a high sensitivity. 本文用石蜡模拟油垢,用60Co-γ射线垂直入射,以一定的散射角度接收散射γ光子数,发现散射γ光子计数与石蜡厚度存在很好的线性关系,具有较高的灵敏度。
This paper roughly shows the calculated best scattering Angle of IED 2000P portable multi elements X ray fluorescence analyzer, by a lot of experiments of analysis pure samples SiO2 and Al2O3 whose effective atomic number is very close to geological samples. 4. 本文通过与地质样品有效原子序数十分接近的SiO2和Al2O3分析纯样品的大量实验,大致计算出IED2000P手提式多元素X射线荧光仪的最佳散射角度为169°。
In analyzing of the geometrical optics scattering model ( GOM), the problem of scattering angle multi-valued is resolved by adopting the method of anti-solution of the scattering angle based on MATLAB. 基于几何光学散射模型(GOM)进行了分析,针对散射角的多值问题,采用一种基于MATLAB的遍历取值的求解方法进行了求解。